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domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2023

Relembrando Nietzsche ( boas festas)

 "No Cristianismo,realçam-se os instintos dos servos e dos oprimidos, são as castas mais baixas que mais nele procuram a sua redenção. Exercita-se aqui como ocupação, como remédio contra o tédio, a casuística do pecado, a autocrítica,o exame da consciência, aqui se mantém invariávelmente (pela oração) a emoção perante um poderoso chamado "Deus", e o mais elevado é aqui considerado como inacessível,dom,"graça".

 Friedrich Nietzsche

Relembrando também porque muitos regimes totalitários foram sempre apoiados pela igreja. 

A conveniência constante de manter o povo humilde e submisso.

quinta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2023

pain and chasms


he carries the knife, like a wounded love

lit's the world on fire,

to form his own land

with a concealed strand

hurled the threat 

and indulged

to the flesh appeal

forlorn fell

into a underworld

to contemplate all

it's poisonous core

 at war with angels , 

after the dismal sleep

it's now time

to claim new routes

by fire

at war with

punctured idols

blood gushes


his wreath

 as the treachery of humanity,

falls from grace,

into the boughs of abnormality

the immortal fray of opposites, 

spoke to us in tongues

in a shroud, where their kingdom comes

a threatening demise

an endless wrath

to summon you,

to me again

to bare this light

with me

through all ways

(of pain and chasms)

the quickening

of days,

runs through the bones

crumbling child of dusk

in a labyrinth lost,

will you ever return?

qual deles o espectáculo
mais miserável e pungente ?
que desventuras 
- na vingança 
da razão
que veio até mim.

horas de reconhecimento

recriando toda a natureza do desejo

mãe dos ventos

que recitam as tragédias 

despertando paisagens pelo seu vagar

sopro divino nas fronteiras da razão

até ao luto das madrugadas

lívida flor 

que desponta no peito

recém nascida

nas quimeras da melancolia

fulgente e decadente 

como a estrela da manhã 

que retornou do firmamento

sem remorsos

nem piedade

abrindo caminhos como um açoite 

todos um, a medida da eternidade

perdidas as meças

a um sol 

aonde o medo cria os idolos 

e a finitude o desespero

levanta-te e reconhece o teu mundo - digo-te eu.

domingo, 3 de dezembro de 2023

a haunting charm


                   " Where you cannot see with your eyes...  "                     

           a single awe 
such divine lips
it turns wolves
into sheep's

a scarlet maiden, a sensuous drive
a ditched revolution that revolves
into a meander, her passion sears everything
her lusted skin, by wild nature was raised
later on, by craftsman severed
and unleashed, into the blissful fevered 
as a luring voice calling
- into the arcane sleep.

the browse loom
brought us here 
following the dazzling melody 
a call from the profane deity
- her merciless heritage, a homeless fealty

she plays the lyres
like a haunting charm, 
a crescent moon
the yearning of days

it’s like a daring poetry,
that smiled, 
a murderer smile  

sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2023

la bohème de l'adieu


vows in land 

trees in the alleys

blue moon brooding all over 

painting us a woven spell, a repentance that yield's

a sinner's bleed, from someone who's never guilty 

hustling back to race the climb

another lost waltz

still pounding 

at doors through the night

vacant destiny revealing us higher plains

gray of shattered idols falling on us over sleep

the sickness from within, is now instilling the beat

wherever she stands, mastering the shadows 

of a peasant street

our keeper 

into times before time 

a leap, 

through a life in black & white

that hum's 

a new morning harmony

it's her essence, undergoing 

through ceremonies

in a bash of illusions,she walks with me

the chains are broken, the foreseen delusions 

now awoken

for her touch so gentle, so easy to be fond

dain remedy, in invisible bonds 

fantasy that rises from a incomplete history

c'est la bohème de l'adieu

new age sun blends

and all wonders 

now yearn 

for a dream's matter

for unbound, learning ways

where all pain trespasses us from the start

nightly stray visions

of cities in a rush

from the highways of flickering cars

my home girl

trying all her secret ideas 

for an ideal world

always remembering

word by word

patiently and undone, the things 

we should had said 

or done

it's her nature call 


always in a urge to kill 

or breed

after the flood, 

be my main stain 

my new place to hide


our liberation

a new constellation

will shape us the clouds 

will shape us the rooftops

getting us ready 

for some more stories 

from the gutter

- where all stray cats 

know their way home